Rachel Boothroyd


Like many people, I was driven from a young age by a need for success, approval and security. It’s one of the reasons that I went to Cambridge to study natural sciences.

My career in law was another way to achieve these aspirations. 

My law career was successful. I enjoyed it, for a time. I became an equity partner and the head of intellectual property and technology. I was on the board of a global top 20 law firm in London. 

It took me falling ill with heart disease at 37 to realise that I wasn’t working towards my true purpose. My illness was shocking. How could I, an athletic young woman, get this disease more common in older men? 

It made me question my identity. I began a process of training, self-discovery and learning that took me all over the world.  I learned from some of the greatest teachers in coaching and self-transformation today. I realised that my thought processes and my attitude to work were not healthy.  There were also many aspects of my work environment that were toxic for me. I couldn’t continue living a life that I didn’t believe in. It was time to make a significant change.

I created Rachel Boothroyd Training and Coaching because I wanted to help people and businesses flourish in a sustainable, healthy way.  I wanted to provide experiential training, to create motivated and engaged people, who would go on to achieve greater things for themselves and the businesses they worked for.  Who could do this in a sustainable way, in workplaces with healthy cultures, with open communication, purpose and, yes, even fun. 

I am a heart ambassador for the British Heart Foundation and speak at events and in the media to raise heart health awareness.

My goal is to make work fun, fulfilling and sustainable.

Luke Shaw


Luke and  I have worked together for many years.  He is a committed and passionate behavioural coach and facilitator who works with individuals and large groups and everything in between. He is hugely engaging in a training room, combining a style that is full of great empathy as well as offering insightful challenge where necessary.

Luke has over 20 years’ corporate training and role play experience.  He makes training scenarios astonishingly life-like. He is driven by the pursuit of enabling people’s self-improvement and his fervent belief is that the ONLY way to embed any notion of learning is through practice, practice, practice! 

Luke’s background is a rich and varied one originating in performance, journeying through, training, teaching and psychology. Despite the diverse background, the unifying theme is the people at the centre of all of them and how they can be understood better, as well as empowered to be able to facilitate their own growth. The combination of these skills and experience give him a great awareness of how we operate as individuals and particularly the limiting elements we impose on ourselves which can restrict understanding and growth.

His performance career has seen him work the length of the country from Edinburgh to Exeter via the West End. He is also a trained and practising Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist, a therapy which uses Rational Behavioural Therapy (REBT) as its guiding framework, and whose central philosophy is one of self-acceptance. He regularly teaches children Acting and Speech and Language skills readying them for twice yearly LAMDA exams.

For the last 20 years Luke has worked consistently in the field of corporate training, working with over 100 different businesses within all sectors using a wide range of experiential learning techniques to enable new learning and improvement and is most at home when creating a new bespoke training solution for our next client.